Friday 29 November 2013

Harry Potters near death experience.

Harry Potter, I love, I really I do. I remember getting my first harry potter book and poking holes in the eye of dumbledore, I didn't want to read it there were things that disheartened me from popular things and to some extent I still have a gripe with fictionalizing this stuff. I mean Trelwany does exist in real life, I guarantee it. One of the things that I find good is that never the less these stories are being planted in the minds of kids, I can only image the ecstacy that would engulf them when coming to a realization that there is a real magical world out there. I made a wish once when I was watching Harry potter and the philosopher's stone after I got it on vhs, I must have been about 12. I wished that I would find the real magic in the world, I wished with all my heart and soul from the deepest emotions of longing I wished and it came true :D I am assuming that you are familiar with the story of Harry Potter. I would like to draw your attention to the conclusion of the last movie part 2 of the deathly hallows, Harry is pitted in a battle against voldemort, harry dies eventually as a sacrifice to save his friends, but oh noh this is not the end. You follow Harry to a white light, a room bathed in white light. There he communicates with his dead friend and teacher Dumbledore, there in that spiritual place of ascendence that even magical people are subjected to, he removes the part of voldemort which has attached itself to him when he was originally cursed and his parent were killed. After his task is complete in the spirit world Harry ressurects with no magical or medical intervention, almost like he was Jesus :P and goes on to win the battle of good. Hrrrmmmm a spiritual dimension of white light, I am going to have a little chuckle to myself right about now :P. A dimension of white light is a very real experience for people that die and are revived or come back to life, it's the documented cases of what is called a near death experience or NDE. I personally have had one and have my own voldemort, my experience directly relates to battle between him and I. So yes Harry does have an NDE, like Harry I also for some reason did not need to be revived but just came back to life. I did indeed go to a white light of pure love, it gave me visions of the future and this phenomenon is also documented on National Geographic with the story of Chris Robinson who passed tests laid out by psychologists to test his ability, the series is called Paranatural. It is an old story of the battle of good and evil and common in many religions, Allah had a near death experience and so did Jesus. Me personally in my story is that it directly relates to the fight against child abuse and if you have the courage to stand up to the voldemorts of the world you will be spiritually rewarded just like Harry was and I too. I guess I just want to enchant your life with the real spiritual magic of this world and clearly point out to you what side is what. It's not just a nice story :) it's reality.

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