Friday 31 May 2013

Entheogenic/spiritual experiences in movies and T.V

Ok I hope people enjoyed my last entry on games, I will continue to update when I notice more things. Now it's on to two other mediums of communication, television and movies. First off I really hope for people that haven't experience what I have that I am letting you in on something amazing, I am sure there are a lot of people out there that realise that the concepts I am going to highlight in these shows and movies are actually psychedelic in nature and originally came from someones visions on entheogens or the spiritual path initiated by them.

Ok I am going start with a movie called Flatliners, it's a movie with Keifer Sutherland. The movie is about a group of med students that decide to controllably kill themselves and see what is on the other side of life. I think that is an amazing concept and I am sure was inspired by real events, however these med students are definitely not the first people to engage in activities like this. Much of this information has been suppressed and the rituals I am going to talk about were made illegal by the American government. It is interesting in the movie that they either face up to the wrong doings of their past or make peace with a deceased loved one. I was told when I met Deb Webber(a renowned spirit medium in Australia from the show Sensing murder) that this is exactly the case, if you murder someone before you can pass on to heaven or a more peaceful higher realm you must be forgiven by the person that you killed. This concept is the main theme in the movie. As I was saying this is not ground breaking stuff, the Native American people would have a ritual called the "Sundance" in which the whole community would pretty much have a party that went for 4 days to a week. There was a special role played by the shaman of the tribe, the shaman would dance for 3 to 4 days straight sometime mutilating himself until he dropped dead and then came back to life. This was to gain visions of the future in times of war to see how to engage, this part of the ritual is being suppressed right now by the American government and banned. You will find Sundance rituals being held today but they don't include this aspect.

 Now this is my personal experience and I can testify to the fact that if you stay awake to the point of exhaustion your heart will stop for a period and hopefully start again, I'd say you have to be doing some serious soul searching and be dedicated to even contemplating putting your life on the line to gain spiritual knowledge in such an extreme way, there are also reports that similar events occurred in South America where they would use morning glory seeds(containing lsa/lsd) to help them stay awake for long enough. I do not endorse anyone engaging in this type of thing, people have been known to die and not come back even after 24 hours of sleep deprivation.

 If you have seen Game of Thrones, you will find heavy psychedelic concepts in the show, especially with Bran Stark, he is pushed off a high tower and has a near death experience (dies and comes back to life) after this occurs he is able to have visions of the future, it is also worthy to note that the Gods which are worshipped by his family are humanoid trees(trees with faces). This is a phenomenon seen on different types of psychedelics and one I have experienced myself. It is also documented in the true story of Dannion Brinkley that was struck by lightning and was dead for 20mins then revived at hospital that he had the ability to see the future. You can watch his true story movie, it's called "Saved by the light".

 Now there is a show called Medium it is about a spirit medium that works with police to help solve cases, it is a work of fiction based on a real medium. There is also a doctor featured in the show that uses defibrillation to die and be revived and acquires the same abilities as the main character the medium. In my personal opinion this is the cutting edge of science and enchanting the world again, it doesn't surprise me that the American government has suppressed the aspects of the Sundance.

Hope you enjoyed :)

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