Saturday 7 September 2013

Near death experience inducement.

Hrrmmm sounds pretty out there right? Well it seems that hollywood thought it would make a good story.

NDE inducement. If you haven't seen the movie "Flat liners" with Keifer Sutherland and Kevin Bacon. It is about a group of med students, led by the vision of Keifer's character which wants to induce death medically to see what is on the other side. Who knows if this has ever specifically happened in real life. It would make more than a good story. It depicts the near death experience pretty well. You should really watch it.

There is also a Dr. in the show Medium, which is on the Sci Fi channel. He induces NDE's with the help of a nurse and has the same powers as the psychic that the show is based on.

I have also heard of shamans inducing near death experiences. Native American use to dance themselves to exhaustion (sometimes days at a time) until they had visions or an NDE. It is interesting to note that they would report seeing into the future. It is documented in the book and movie "saved by the light" the true story of Dannion Brinkley, that after had is NDE he was able to see into the future. Though he was struck by lightning. His book was a new york times best seller for quite a time. I also when I had my NDE saw visions of the future in my dreams.

Scientists have successfully induced death in rats to try to explain the near death experience. I wonder if over time this will become a type of therapy. Personally I think that it would do the world a lot of good. But as you will or would have seen in flat liners, these are medical students going rogue and could lose their titles.

I also have heard of a theory by John White that baptism, the original full body submersion was a way of inducing a NDE by bringing a person the point of near drowning. Hence why his first followers were fishermen who had been doing cpr since people were falling out of boat, if you think modern medicine were the first to figure that out hrrmmm just realise that that's not true. I find that very interesting.

The strongest themes of NDE"s can be found in shamanism though, it is speculated by Dr. Rick Strassman that DMT a chemical contained in many shamanic plants from around the world is the chemical released in your brain when you dream and die. A new term has been coined "entheogen" meaning I think, a plant which induces a spiritual experience. Though have experiences with both an NDE and psychedelics I can say that they are different, although taking into account what I said earlier, these plants induce a spiritual experience and may put you on the path. Shamans have been chose through time for having NDE's. This is documented.

I am sure that eventually for Dr. Rick Strassman to prove his DMT death and dreaming theory that he will need to do some practical tests. I wonder who will be the volunteers to die and come back to life????

NDE's Shamanism and the Scientific method
Saved by the Light.
Flat liners

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